Three directions for AtSeaNova devices

December 10, 2018

On 2018 AtSeaNova focused on the development of new devices and boats allowing to work on industrial seaweed farms of large scale on several hectares.

NovHarvest 501 a barge of 12×8,5m equipped with hydraulic systems for seeding, harvesting seaweed and cleaning the substrate on the field. This machine moves on the row with hydraulic driven wheels.

Seaweed farming working boat

NovaPusher 501 a working boat 8m length with a crane to install mooring systems and to work as supply for the NovHarvest 501.


NovaPlatform 501 a working platform of 12x7m to make the assembly of the PE structure at sea on the field.

We join new EU projec… March 27, 2017 Biosea project AtSeaNova new stage A new stage has begun December 11, 2018