Red seaweed
AtSeaNova has all the knowledge in-house to supply turnkey seaweed farm solutions with the corresponding consumables according to the latest technologies.
Our most complete proposal is focused on a large scale model, including consultancy, training, installation, juveniles, substrates and tools ready to start exploiting your industrial seaweed cultivation at sea.
AtSeaNova supplies its innovative direct seeding technology based on AlgaeBinder for brown and green seaweeds. This product “glues” the juveniles directly on to the cultivation substrate without the need of using in-lab growth on seeding twine.
AlgaeBinder is a revolutionary binder for direct seeding technology. Available in spray and liquid formats. Now coloured to permit a controlled homogeneous application (AlgaeBinder is only sold in combination with NovaSupports cultivation substrates).
2D seaweed cultivation sheets based on a patent-pending advanced textile material; standard sheet is 2m wide and 10m long. Other dimensions can be produced on request.
Seaweed cultivation nets based on a patent-pending advanced textile material; standard net sizes are 2m wide and 25m long with 100mm knot to knot mesh size. Other dimension and mesh sizes can be produced on request.
Seaweed cultivation ribbon based on a patent-pending advanced textile material. Standard material is 5cm wide; other widths can be produced on request.
Advanced seaweed cultivation rope; standard thicknesses are 12mm and 18mm. Other diameters can be produced on request.
Advanced and patent-pending 2D cultivation substrates for vegetatively growing red seaweeds; standard sheet is 2m wide and 10m long. Other dimension can be produced on request.
Seeding Twine
Advanced rough texturized twine with a special textile for the seeding of juveniles; standard thickness is 1mm.
2D Full-Function Machine
Unique in the market for cultivation on 2D substrates. AtSeaNova has designed a single machine to mechanize all the cultivation processes: seeding of juveniles, seaweed harvesting and cleaning of the substrate maximising efficiency in all its phases.
The amazing SeaHarvester I is launched!
Long-line Harvesting Machine
Adaptable for ropes and ribbons. The machine allows users to directly un-deploy, harvest and rewind these advanced long-line substrates and return them to position fully cleaned.
The amazing SeaHarvester I is launched!
Seaweed Culture Working Boat
Specially designed by AtSeaNova naval engineers for seaweed cultivation at sea. Adaptable design for your specific environment needs.
Seaweed Drying System
For the optimal conservation of seaweed quality and biomass quantity.